My Arabic Blog

Friday, July 14, 2006

السلام عليكم. كيف الحال؟

انا كنت كسلانة لأكتب هنا. . . لا أعرف لماذا. . .

قبل أسبوع كتبت قصة لجريدتنا عن اللعة العربية، الكلمات العربية في اللعة الإنجليزية. من قبل كتبت قصتينن عن دراستي ولو ارادتم ان تقرأوهما، ها هي ذي:

I Study Arabic: Part One

I Study Arabic: Part Two

أنتظر الان لأسمع من الجريدة عن القصة الجديدة.

ان شاء الله ستتقبلها أيضا. . .

عندي سوأل لكن: متي تلبسن الحجاب و متي لا تلبسنه؟ أري فرق كبير بين نساء أعرفهن. بعضهن لا يلبسن حجاب أمامي او مع نساء أخري وبعضهن يلبسن الحجاب دائمن. لا أريد أن أسألهن لان ليس مهام . . . لا أريد أن يظنن أن مشكلة لي عندما يلبسن حجاب.

I'm just curious because I thought the hijab was only to be worn in front of non-family men, but some of the women I know remain covered with me alone. And I don't care, I just wonder.


At 3:31 PM, Blogger Me2nour said...

ok... let's see how to say it :) that's actually a good question
women wear hijab in front of any man who's not (mehrem= the one she can't marry) like cousin for example
some very religious people say that hijab should be wear when she's in front of non-muslim women too cuz they may tell about how she look & that's like being seen without hijab
of course,,, maybe it's not that extrem case but I should mention too that some wear hijab when they don't like their hair so they don't like to take it off & some wear it by force some how so they just take it off at any time when no one knows
I should tell you too that,, hijab isn't a must but it's a very much recomended,, when a woman wear it she gain ( let's say good marks) & if she didn't she gain (bad marks) :)

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Me2nour said...

آسفة لم ألاحظ الموضوع من البداية قرأته من المنتصف
أعاني من مشكلة في التركيز
إن شاء الله سأقرأ القصتين و إذا كانت لدي ملاحظات سأقولها لك
أكيد ستكون القصتان جيدتان :)

At 5:43 AM, Blogger Anonymous Me said...

Thanks so much for the explanation. I learned something I didn't know!

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

انا اسمى احمد من مصر تصحفت مدونتك بالصدفة ولكنى على ماعتقد انكى تتعلمين اللغة العربية ورايت فى صورك اصدقاء عرب

ممكن نكون اصدقاء صداقة محترمة من خلالك اعرف اكثر عن الغرب وانتى تعرفى اكثر عن الشرق

At 4:56 AM, Blogger Sama Oman said...

Dear Nancy: as sister me2 said, women wear Hijab in present of non-mehram. But, she should wear decent clothes even in present of her Mehrams "her unmarriageable persons" like her uncles, brothers or father. Some women don't wear Hijab when only women come together while some prefer to keep the Hjiab and don't remove it. It's a personal choice here. But, sorry, it's a must in Islam. Some women don't wear Hjiab and still respectable women as long as they are in straight path and show their good manners and wear decent clothes. In simple words, Hijab is a must in Islam. Hijab as I can say is to order women to wear decent clothes and cover their bodies, so men will not look at them in bad way. Unfortunately, I saw girls wear Hjab and cover hair while they are wearing indecent clothes. That's shocked me for a while. But, I can tell you this.
Some wear Hjab as a habit and they are not religious or know that much about their religion teachings. Some wear it in right way and have good knowledge about what Islam teachings say. Some go so extremely and cover hair, face and everything in such strange way, while some forced by society or family to do so …as their mothers and old ladies do. There are so many cases for that, but still….
we respect the girl who wear decent clothes and be polite.

Gorgeous articles…
I loved it sooooooo much.
I can understand how it was uncomfortable to be in new place with new people and new language….we all feel the same when we went to school and then to college or even when we go to job-interview or test. But, you should know that men and women in mosques don't stand side by side. As for answering and asking questions, it should be equally, but maybe in the beginning people get little hesitation. Women can go to mosques and pray, but it recommended for them to pray at their homes, so we don't pray in mosques all times.
I loved your expression (Language And Culture Intertwine). I love Spanish too and I want to learn it and I knew that lots of words in Spanish have Arabic roots. So cool indeed.
The best thing is you have passion and desire to learn this language and not a must for you to get job or for any other purposes. When we do something we like and we want it badly, we do it right and with big love and passion, not like forced to do it, that make us hate it and not do it in perfect way.

Finally, I put for you my comment. :D


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